Recent Entries in Hump Day

Thanks to pretty much everyone, who have all been so supportive the last few days.  Amber and I really appreciate it - it's good to write and chat about it.

It's a little tough to be at home in the apartment.  I keep looking over to the corner of the living room, where we had had a chair out since the Super Bowl, that Biscuit had claimed for himself.  In the morning, he would usually be sleeping there and after greeting Baker at the door, he'd be my next stop.  I also didn't realize how much of a knee-jerk reaction I have had when playing with Baker.  I find myself petting him when he comes over all excited, and I want to ask, "where's your brudder?".  I think I developed this when Biscuit first began his 'heavy lethargy', right after the initial diagnosis in January, so he wouldn't be left out in the cuddling.  This almost always resulted in Baker's aggressive-style head-licking / -biting and Biscuit's crying for him to get off, so in that regard Baker probably misses it too.

Baker has also definitely been affected.  It's about three days out now since we said goodbye to Biscuit, since we left the apartment with him and returned with an empty carrier.  Baker knows his brother is missing, and continues to spend time on and off in the front window, looking outward.  It's hard to gauge because I think he has always done that.  But now it's more noticeable because we're deliberately watching him for behavior differences.  Amber had a late night last night, and he loves his mudder, so his walking around and mewing might have been for her; it often is.

Overall, he seems okay, and much better than I had dreaded.  (I feared constant crying from him, leading to constant crying by us.)  In fact, the last two mornings he's been trying to figure out how best to lay in my lap as I have my coffee.  His ~10 lb. frame of muscles is much bulkier than Biscuit's 7 lb. frame was, so the only comfortable positioning for him is by splaying his body across my folded tree trunk of a thigh, like a mountain lion basking on a ridge.  It's cute except for the fact that I then have to leave my body twisted 90 degrees to the left as I type and surf.  It's only slightly less convenient than when he blocks the entire monitor, like a black cat-sized censor.  Which is appropriate enough, since most of what I'm engaging with online should be illegal anyways.

Sure enough, through all this, I found an article online that refers to a study claiming cats reduce heart attack risks by about a third.  What they left out was cats, on average, reduce your risk, but also quadruple your risk a quarter of the time.  Like when they pull down vases from up high and you're on the other side of the room, unable to mobilize in time, capable only of bracing for impact and watching the mess unfold.  Or when they attack you from the inside the doorway you're walking past, with all bodily points set on "kill".  Or when they try to eat your nose while you're in a deep, coma-like sleep.  Reduce by a third my ass.  Baker better be careful; site traffic spiked to an all-time high on the post about Biscuit, and I'm trying to generate ad revenue...
Amber was home sick yesterday with what seemed to be allergies.  Overnight, the weather in Brooklyn had gone from low-40's to mid-50's.  To counteract the ton of heat that seeps up through the bedroom floors from the gigantic hot water heater below, we sleep with the window cracked open.  I think the combination of dramatic weather shift and direct ingestion overnight did her in.

When I met her a few years ago, Amber claimed she wasn't allergic to anything.  She's since changed her tune.  Constant fluid drips from the nose + intense sinus pressure from inside her brain-cap + on and off body aches + and head-spinning / green vomit = allergies.   Hopefully.  We'll see how she's feeling today.  Neither of us are sure if she's ever taken 2 consecutive days off of work due to illness, so this might be a sign of the apocalypse to come.  And who knows, it might be viral, like a cold or a LonelyGirl15 video.  All I know is the candlelit 5-course meal she made for me for dinner last night was sub-par, and her song & dance entertainment was not only labored and out of date, but off-key.  (I enjoy painting pictures here of Amber on the couch coughing and sniffling and blowing her nose, and my yelling, "shut it, I can't hear which numbered suitcase they're pickin'!")

In feline illness news, Biscuit doesn't seem to be doing great.  He's not doing terribly, per se, but he's definitely not on the positive side of the spectrum.  Over the last few days, he seems to have even less energy than usual, and he just seems like whatever is happening to him, inside of him, around him, he's in some pain.  Last week, we were watching TV with him on our collective lap, and Amber felt a lump on the side of his belly.  I felt it too, and in a twisted way we rejoiced, because we thought we might have found a physical cause to the ailment.  The next morning, we couldn't find the lump, and haven't been able to since.

Regardless, after looking over some old pictures of him and his brother, I decided to make an appointment with the vet this weekend, to speak with her in person, and take a more decisive course of action.  The antibiotics didn't kill anything, he's still very uncomfortable, and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit around and let him suffer when we don't even know what's wrong, especially when inaction may in fact do him in.  On the plus side, he definitely has his appetite.  When we make any sound even closely resembling the package of their new favorite treats, he flies across the apartment and proceeds to cry incessantly until he gets his share, even more so than his brother.  It's good to see the burst of energy, even if it's only temporary.

So between coming home late, taking care of a beaten and broken Blondie, monitoring our sick kitty whilst entertaining the healthy one, and tidying up the tornado trail that was our apartment, I didn't remember to call my grandmother on her birthday until it was too late in the night.  I used to fear having kids, period.  Now I fear having kids and forgetting to feed them because I got distracted by a shiny object.

Persepolis: rating_5.gif
Eric: "Just as great as I hoped it would be, though the ending was very abrupt."
Amber: "'Communiss!'"
Old Joyrating_3.gif
Eric: "It didn't take me anywhere I thought or hoped it might.  In fact, it didn't really take me anywhere at all.  And a movie shouldn't have to.  The end product, in and of itself, was still a decent watch."
Amber: "Goddamn hippies."
The Valet: rating_3.gif
Eric: "We waited almost two full months before we finally watched this.  It wasn't worth the wait necessarily, but it was a still a cute French romantic comedy.  With a stunningly gorgeous model lead."
Amber: "Cover your eyes!"

Twilight: rating_5.gif
Amber: "...and then she was bleeding, and the guy was like 'oh no! I'm a vampire!', and she was like, 'oh no! I don't want to be a vampire!', and then they had prom, but the other vampires were there, and they we're all like 'oh no!', and and and..."

Assassin's Creed: rating_3.gif
Amber: "You're gonna love this game!  It's so awesome!  You run around, climb buildings, kill your targets, and try to blend in.  And the graphics are amazing.  You'll love it!"
Eric: "Meh."